Biology Reference
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A second speciation mechanism associated with Wolbachia may be by the
induction of thelytoky (reproduction by females only), as has been found in many
hymenopteran parasitoids, such as Encarsia formosa . Populations of Encarsia no
longer have males, so that populations essentially become clonal and over time
could differentiate genetically ( Cook and Butcher 1999 ).
A third potential Wolbachia speciation mechanism is by bidirectional incompat-
ibility; if a population is infected with two different strains of Wolbachia that are
incompatible with each other, then the incompatibility could act as a postzygotic
reproductive barrier, as has been suggested for the species complex of Nasonia
(Hymenoptera) ( Figure 4.2B ). Thus, how Wolbachia are maintained in popula-
tions has considerable theoretical and practical importance. Wolbachia have been
proposed as mechanisms for driving genes into populations in genetic manipula-
tion projects for improved pest control (for additional discussion of this topic, see
Chapter 14). Gazla and Carracedo (2011) reported that females of D. melanogaster
and D. simulans could discriminate between males with and without Wolbachia
and preferred to mate with males that had the same infection status; this prefer-
ence would influence sexual isolation and also could play a role in speciation.
The interest in the biology and evolution of Wolbachia , with its fascinating
effects on reproductive isolation (thus potentially having effects on speciation),
sex ratio, feminization, and male killing, led to the development of a Wolbachia
genome project ( Bandi et  al. 1999 ). Genome sizes for six different Wolbachia
strains were determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ( Sun et al. 2001 ). The
Wolbachia genomes are circular and range from 0.95 to 1.66 Mb, which is consid-
erably smaller than the genomes of free-living bacteria such as E. coli (4.7 Mb).
Despite the wealth of information obtained about Wolbachia within the past
few years, our understanding of the role of Wolbachia in arthropod biology
and evolution probably remains fragmentary. For example, some Wolbachia in
arthropods were shown to contain bacteriophages named WO ( Masui et al. 1999,
2000 ). A phylogenetic analysis of different WOs from several Wolbachia strains
yielded a tree that was not congruent with the phylogeny of the Wolbachia , sug-
gesting that the phages were active and horizontally transmitted among the
various Wolbachia . Masui et  al. (2000) speculated that, because all Wolbachia
strains they examined contain WO, the phage might have been associated with
Wolbachia for a very long time, conferring some benefit to its microbial hosts.
Wolbachia strains seem to have a very wide range of effects on their hosts,
ranging from causing male killing, cytoplasmic incompatibility, modification of
immune responses, parthenogenesis, providing nutritional benefits, and toler-
ance to heat shock ( Box 4.2 ). Wolbachia strains even may block transmission of
disease-causing agents in mosquitoes and D. melanogaster ( Box 4.2 ).
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