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Fig. 8. Overlapped time during humanoid and hand robot
The average before-confirmation ratio is .63 (SD = .22) in the humanlike group
and .09 (SD = .19) in the head-fixed group. We applied Welch's t-test to both groups
and the results showed p-values of .00003, which is less than .0001. When we re-
moved the failed pairs, the average before-confirmation ratio is .62 (SD = .22) in the
humanlike group and .11 (SD = .20) in the head-fixed group. The p-value of the
Welch's t-test is .0006, which is less than .001 and suggests significant difference.
The average after-confirmation ratio is .78 (SD = .21) in the humanlike group
and .30 (SD = .24) in the head-fixed group. We applied Welch's t-test to both groups
and the result showed p-values of .0005, clearly smaller than .001. When we removed
the failed pairs, the average before-confirmation ratio is .78 (SD = .23) in the human-
like group and .28 (SD =.25) in the head-fixed group. The p-value of the Welch's
t-test is .001 < .005, suggesting significant difference.
We also counted the manipulation time including the before- and after-
confirmation of the robot and the lifting time of the player. The average time is 7.7 s
(SD = 2.4 s) in the humanlike group and 12.8 s (SD = 5.0 s) in the head-fixed group.
We applied Welch's t-test and found significant difference (p = .017 < .05). When we
removed the failed pairs, the average time is 7.1 s (SD = 1.8 s) in the humanlike group
and 13.3 s (SD = 5.4 s) in the head-fixed group. The p-value of the Welch's t-test
is .02 < .05, suggesting significant difference.
In contrast, the average lifting action is 10.9 (SD = 6.0 s) in the humanlike group
and 13.2 (SD = 10.8 s) in the head-fixed group. We applied Welch's t-test and found
no significant difference (p = .58 > .05). When we removed the failed pairs, the aver-
age lifting numbers were 9.1 (SD = 3.0 s) in the humanlike group and 8.4 (SD = 2.9 s)
in the head-fixed group. The p-value of the Welch's t-test is .65 > .10, which suggests
no significant difference.
We found significant differences in the overlapped time ratio and confirmation ratio
with and without the failed pairs. These results support our predictions.
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