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Using #jishin (#earthquake) tag to extract activity
sentences which relate to earthquake
e.g. Earthquake M9.0 was just occurred (03-11 14:47)
I am taking refuge at Akihabara (03-11 15:10)
Extract activity attributes
Activity ID (Who, Action, What, Where, When)
act01 (Null, occur, eathquake M9.0, Null 03-11 14:47)
act02 (I, take refuge, Null, Akihabara, 03-11 15:10)
act02 becauseOf act01
Convert to RDF/N3
:act01 a :ActionClass ;
:act :occur ;
:what "earthquake M9.0"@en ;
tl:start "2011-03-11T14:47:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
:act02 a :ActionClass ;
:act :take_refuge ;
:where :Akihabara ;
tl:start "2011-03-11T15:10:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
:becauseOf :act01 .
Fig. 5. Method of creating semantic data for TiAN
Creating Semantic Data
Figure 5 explains how to create semantic data for TiAN. We first use #jishin (#earth-
quake) tag which relates to earthquake to collect activity sentences from Twitter.
Secondly, we use our activity extraction method to extract activity attributes, and rela-
tionships between activities. Finally, we convert the extracted data to RDF/N3 to make
semantic data for TiAN (Appendix 1).
Prediction of Missing Activity
Let Can act =
is the set of candidate actions of the active user
u a at time t . Predicting the action of u a at time t can be considered as choosing the ac-
tion in Can act , which has the most highest probability. Therefore, we need to calculate
probability of u a did act t at time t ( P u a →act t ).
As shown in Figure 6, we can use collaborative filtering approach (CF) to calculate
P u a →act t . However, while traditional CF [15,16,17] is trying to recommend suitable
products on internet for users, our work tries to predict missing action data in real-
world. Different from products, users' actions strongly depend on location, time, and
before-after actions. Additionally, we need to consider execution time of each action.
This means that it is not suitable to use traditional CF for our work.
Below, we propose a novel action-based CF to calculate P u a →act t .
act 1 ,act 2 , .., act t , ...
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