Java Reference
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out.println("Can not resolve " + resources[0].getId() +
" reason: ");
for (Requirement req : resolver.getUnsatisfiedRequirements()) {
out.println("missing " + req.getName()
+ " " + req.getFilter());
} else {
out.println("No such resource");
private RepositoryAdmin getRepositoryAdmin() {
You first get the Resolver from the RepositoryAdmin service. Then you use the
RepositoryAdmin.discoverResources() method with a LDAP filter argument to dis-
cover a resource to deploy. If you find any resources, you add the first one to the
Resolver and call resolve() to resolve its dependencies from the available reposito-
ries B . If the resource is successfully resolved, you print out all of the dependencies of
the resource you're deploying. Then you use Resolver.deploy() to install and start
the discovered bundle and its dependencies C . If the resource couldn't be resolved,
you print out the missing requirements.
To run this example, go to the chapter10/combined-example/ directory of the
companion code. Type ant to build the example and java -jar launcher.jar
bundles to execute it. To interact with the shell, use telnet localhost 7070 . This
example uses the Apache Felix OBR implementation (
apache-felix-osgi-bundle-repository.html ) . The following session uses the obr-repo
and obr-resolver commands:
-> obr-repo add-url file:repository.xml
-> obr-repo list-urls
Paint (file:repository.xml)
-> obr-repo list
circle ( 4.0.0
frame ( 4.0.0
shape ( 4.0.0
square ( 4.0.0
triangle ( 4.0.0
-> obr-resolver (
Deploying dependency: shape ( 4.0.0
-> obr-resolver (
In this session, you first use the add-url subcommand to add your repository contain-
ing the paint program bundles. You verify the configured repository using the list-
url subcommand. Using the list subcommand, you browse the bundles contained in
the repository. Then, you use the obr-resolver command with an LDAP filter to
select and deploy the paint-frame bundle, which also installs its dependencies. Finally,
you install the circle bundle.
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