Java Reference
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listed. You loop through the discovered resources and print their presentation name,
symbolic name, and version.
You can now use this command to configure repositories and discover bundles.
After you've discovered a bundle you want to use, you need to deploy it. You'll imple-
ment a separate command for that next.
Discovering bundles is one half of the OBR story; the other half is deploying them and
their dependencies into the framework. The RepositoryAdmin.getResolver()
method gives you access to a Resolver object to select, resolve, and deploy resources.
A Resolver has these methods:
public interface Resolver {
void add(Resource resource);
Requirement[] getUnsatisfiedRequirements();
Resource[] getOptionalResources();
Requirement[] getReason(Resource resource);
Resource[] getResources(Requirement requirement);
Resource[] getRequiredResources();
Resource[] getAddedResources();
boolean resolve();
void deploy(boolean start);
The process for deploying resources is fairly simple. Follow these steps:
1 Add desired resources using Resolver.add() .
2 Resolve the desired resources' dependencies with Resolver:resolve() .
3 If the desired resources resolve successfully, deploy them with Resolver.
deploy() .
The following listing implements an obr-resolver shell command to resolve and
deploy resources.
Listing 10.3 OBR resolver shell command example
public class ResolverCommand extends BasicCommand {
public void exec(String args, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
throws Exception {
RepositoryAdmin admin = getRepositoryAdmin();
Resolver resolver = admin.resolver();
Resource[] resources = admin.discoverResources(args);
if ((resources != null) && (resources.length > 0)) {
if (resolver.resolve()) {
for (Resource res : resolver.getRequiredResources()) {
out.println("Deploying dependency: " +
res.getPresentationName() +
" (" + res.getSymbolicName() + ") " + res.getVersion());
} else {
B Resolves
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