Java Reference
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server. Next to each option is the corresponding command-line option. Here's a
brief description of the options:
Merge with merges the files in your working directory with those from a
particular revision or branch.
By tag and By date let you update your files to a particular tag or date.
These options are mutually exclusive. Click the Browse button next to the
branch option to select from a list of existing branches and tags. The
Default option checks out the latest version of files (sometimes called the
trunk or the main line ).
Reset sticky data returns a file to its default behavior of dealing with the
trunk. In CVS , when you check out a particular version or branch of a file,
this revision level is sticky , meaning it applies to all future commands (com-
mits, updates, and so forth) as well.
Prune empty directories , if enabled, removes from your working directory
any directories that are present in the CVS module but don't contain any files.
Create new directories creates directories in the CVS module that are
missing from your working directory.
Clean copy throws out any changes that you've made and reverts all the
files in the update to their latest repository version.
Change keyword substitution lets you change how CVS keyword expan-
sion works.
The final option, Do not show this dialog in the future , is an IDEA option. It cor-
responds to the option in the Ve r s i o n C o n t r o l configuration panel that lets you
disable the dialog for update actions. If you disable it on this panel, you must go
back to the Ve r s i o n C o n t r o l configuration panel to turn it back on. Click OK to
begin the update. Once it's complete, you'll see the results of the update in the
CVS message tool window, as shown in figure 8.11.
The CVS window lists all the files affected by the update, along with sum-
mary information. You can right-click any file to load it into the editor or review
its changes and history (as we'll discuss later in this chapter). The option Group
By Package organizes files by their Java package names, giving you a more
Java-centric view of the changes. The results window categorizes the modified
files as follows:
Updated from server —Files in your working directory that have been
updated to a newer version
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