Java Reference
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generating code completions. For example, if you enter the prefix get , should it
match methods starting with just the prefix get , or those starting with Get , GET ,
and GeT , as well? The available choices are as follows:
All —The case of all letters is considered when determining a match (the
most restrictive option).
None —Case is never considered (the least restrictive option).
First letter —Only the case of the first letter in your match prefix is considered.
Autocomplete options
The Autocomplete when only one choice option tells IDEA that when there is
only one possible completion, it shouldn't bother showing a suggestion list—it
should accept the sole completion. You can enable this option for each type of
completion individually by enabling the box next to each type.
The Autocomplete common prefix option takes effect when all the code-
completion suggestions begin with a common prefix. If it's enabled, the com-
mon prefix is automatically completed for you in the editor.
The Show static members after instance qualifier option determines whether
static fields and methods are suggested in the completion list when completing
on an instance variable. If this option is disabled, only instance methods and
fields are suggested (it's disabled by default, because it usually isn't recommended
that you refer to the static members from instance variables).
Autopopup options
The options in the Autopopup group allow you to specify where, when, and if
code completion suggestions are offered to you without your asking for them.
There are three circumstances in which you can enable Autopopup completion.
After each option, you can specify the number of milliseconds you must stop typ-
ing in order for the code completion pop-up to be offered:
After dot— Show the auto-complete pop-up against an object's methods
and fields after a dot separator.
After '<' in XML Show auto-complete pop-up tags (according to the
DTD ) in XML .
After '@' in JavaDoc— Show auto-complete pop-up JavaDoc tags inside
JavaDoc comments.
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