Information Technology Reference
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1. Borevich, Z.I., Shafarevich, I.R.: Number Theory. Academic Press, New York
2. Goresky, M., Klapper, A.: Feedback registers based on ramified extensions of the
2-adic numbers. In: Advances in Cryptology — Eurocrypt 1994. LNCS, vol. 718,
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3. Goresky, M., Klapper, A.: Fibonacci and Galois Mode Implementation of Feedback
with Carry Shift Registers. IEEE Trans. Info. Thy. 48, 2826-2836 (2002)
4. Goresky, M., Klapper, A.: Periodicity and Correlations of d -FCSR Sequences. De-
signs, Codes, and Crypt. 33, 123-148 (2004)
5. Klapper, A., Goresky, M.: Feedback Shift Registers, Combiners with Memory, and
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6. Klapper, A., Xu, J.: Algebraic feedback shift registers. Theor. Comp. Sci. 226,
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7. Klapper, A.: Distributional properties of
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8. Landau, E.: Ueber die zu einem algebraischen Zahlkorper gehorige Zetafunction
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9. Lidl, R., Niederreiter, H.: Finite Fields, 2nd edn. Cambridge University Press,
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10. Meidl, W., Niederreiter, H.: Counting functions and expected values for the k -error
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11. Meidl, W., Niederreiter, H.: On the expected value of linear complexity and the k -
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12. Meidl, W., Niederreiter, H.: The expected value of joint linear complexity of mul-
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13. Niederreiter, H.: A combinatorial approach to probabilistic results on the linear
complexity profile of random sequences. J. Crypt. 2, 105-112 (1990)
14. Xu, J., Klapper, A.: Register synthesis for algebraic feedback shift registers based
on non-primes. Designs, Codes, and Crypt. 31, 225-227 (2004)
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