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To bound the summation in the last line, it suces to bound
log 2 (
N ( z )
A de =
N ( z )
,where w = i z i . The function log 2 ( x ) /x is
N ( π n
in terms of
N ( w )
decreasing for integers x
consists of the k
irreducible and pairwise relatively prime elements of R with smallest norms.
Let j be a positive integer and consider the irreducible elements with norms
between 2 j and 2 j− 1 . By Landau's prime ideal theorem there are asymptotically
3. Thus we may assume that
z }
2 j
ln(2 j )
2 j
j ln(2)
1) / 2 j− 1 to A , so the total
contribution to A for each j is at most 2 / ln(2). It also follows that the largest 2 j
we must consider is asymptotically Θ ( k log( k )). It follows that A
such elements [8]. Each contributes at most ( j
O (log( k )).
from the irreducible ele-
ments with norms between 2 m and 2 m +1 is asymptotically at least
Now consider
N ( w )
. The contribution to
N ( w )
(2 m ) 2 m / ( m ln(2)) =2 2 m / ln(2) .
The largest m we need is at most log( k ln( k )) < 2 log( k ). Thus
2 2 m / ln(2)
log( k )
= Ω (2 ( log( k )
2 m / ln(2)) )= Ω (2 2 k/ ln(2) ) .
|N ( w ) |∈Ω
m =1
m =1
N ( π n
Therefore A
O (log log
N ( w )
O (log log
)= O (log( n )).
5 Conclusions
We have expanded our understanding of average behavior of generator-based
security measures for sequences to the case of AFSRs based on rings of the form
Z [ p 1 /d ]. We have only fully analyzed the case when p = d = 2. This analysis
used specialized algebraic properties of this ring that do not hold in general. It
is not clear what can be said for more general p and d . Even more problematic
is the general case of AFSRs. In the most general setting there may not even be
an algebraic notion of
In the case p = d = 2, we have seen that E n is asymptotically n .Thissays
that random long sequences are resistant to register synthesis attacks based on
these AFSRs. It would be very interesting to find a ring R for which E n is
asymptotically smaller than n , so that random sequences do not resist attack.
-complexity that is closely tied to
Thanks to Hugh Williams for suggesting the proof of part 3 of Lemma 1.
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