Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
On the other hand, the Tajiki government has significantly simplified
the issuance of this confirmation. Several years ago, two weeks were re-
quired, but today it can be issued within a single day in Dushanbe. Some
Tajiki embassies will issue the permit at the same time as the visa.
Another problem is the inconsistent interpretation of regulations and
their application in practice. A permit to visit Sarez Lake is required when
going the usual route to see the dam. If an alternative route from the south
is taken, the permit is unnecessary because there are no controls. Signifi-
cant ambiguity arises regarding permits to visit Zorkul Lake in the border
region along the Tajikistan-Afghanistan-China frontier, which is also the
source of the Pyandzh-Amu Darya River. A permit is technically required,
but in practice is not enforced.
It is evident that Tajikistan's tourism policy is tending in the direction
of liberalization but certain elements of corruption continue to persist in
practice even if only a small number of foreigners come into contact with it.
Other Central Asian countries have, thankfully, done away with restric-
tive measures. In the past, for example, Kyrgyzstan theoretically required
a permit for entry to the border area in the south of the country (along the
border with Tajikistan). In practice, this permit for moving in the area of
the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border was not required and free movement was
possible through Alayska Basin, where a favored route to the Lenin Peak
base camp is located.
The exception is Turkmenistan, which has preserved the permit re-
quirement for border zones. This permit is ordinarily included as part of
the package of services for the tourist visa. A problem may arise with tran-
sit visas, since the border zone also includes locations in the north of the
country attractive for tourists. But if the transit visa shows the entry point
or exit point within this region, the problem disappears. The Entry Travel
Pass is a nonsensical document in its own way, one which tourists perceive
from their guide at the country's border. This permit covers tourist travel
and is also included in the price calculated by the institution issuing the
invitation. Nevertheless it appears to simply double the visa. One possible
reason for introducing this certificate is an attempt to avoid abuse of the
visa process at Turkmenistan's embassies abroad. 23
23 This measure was introduced after the so-called assassination attempt on President Turkmenbashy
in November, 2002, after which Turkmenistan's former ambassador to Turkey and others remained
abroad as the opposition in exile. The stricter visa policy in Turkmenistan was dictated by the circum-
stances of this event.
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