Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
and the tourism development opportunities in Central Asia can be vast,
thus, this topic is a convenient resource that can be used to help bridge
this distance. Third, students (future hospitality and tourism sector lead-
ers) will benefit from the information contained herein as they prepare for
careers in the sector. Reading this topic might help reduce students' ethno-
centrism and self-reference criterion because discussions of how culture
is anchored with history often serves as a frame for better cultural under-
standing which in turn aids business decision making.
We hope that you will ind this topic useful and consider it an initial
effort to shed light on the topic of tourism development in modern-day
Central Asia. Each of the chapters herein perhaps provide more ques-
tions than answers which will lead to further development of the lit-
erature covering this rich and interesting topic. Consequently, desired
outcomes of this project include increasing our current knowledge base
as well as spawning further inquiry. Consistent with the view of method-
ological pluralism, the chapters of this topic can spawn both qualitative
and quantitative studies designed to examine tourism development along
the modern Silk Road.
The contribution of this topic to our current knowledge was made possible
by the contributors who shared their time, talent, and expertise in these
pages. As editors, we established only one boundary for the contributors:
the chapter had to offer insight into tourism development in the Silk Road
region of the Central Asian countries. Being that English is not the native
tongue of most of the authors, their contributions required significant ef-
fort and polishing. To restate from above, however, you will see their pas-
sion and knowledge shine through in their writings. Lastly, we are grateful
for the support and encouragement of Apple Academic Press and Series
Editor Dr. Mahmood Khan for helping to shape this topic to reach its cur-
rent form. Enjoy!
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