Chemistry Reference
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chiral molecule
An asymmetric molecule that cannot be superimposed on its mirror
chirality The property of an object that cannot be superimposed on its mirror
image; see isomerism , optical .
chloride A chemical compound that contains negatively charged chloride (Cl ) ions .
chromatin One of the two portions of the nuclei of living cells (the other is achro-
matin , in which chromatin is embedded) that make up the chromosomes; it con-
sists of a mixture of threadlike proteins and DNA .
chromatography Generic name for chemical techniques for separating and charac-
terizing the components of a mixture .
chromatography, gas A chromatographic technique applicable to gases or liquids that
can be brought into the gaseous state.
chromatography, gas-mass spectrometry A technique of chemical analysis that com-
bines gas chromatography and mass spectrometry .
chromophore From the Greek word for “color bringer;” a molecule or group of atoms
that absorbs part of visible white light and, therefore, imparts color to the substance
of which it is a component or to which it is attached.
chromosome A threadlike structure made up of a linear, end-to-end sequence of
genes in the nucleus of the cell , which transmits the genetic code of living organ-
isms; see chromatin .
chronometric date See absolute date .
chronometric dating See dating absolute .
cinnabar A mineral composed of mercury sulfide, used as a red pigment and main
ore of mercury.
cinder A mixture of slag and charcoal formed during smelting operations.
cire perdue casting The French name for the lost wax casting method.
classical methods of chemical analysis
analysis ,
analysis ,
volumetric .
clastic A rock or sediment made up mainly of broken fragments of minerals or older
rocks that have been transported some distance from their places of origin.
clay (1) Mineral particles smaller than 0.004 mm in diameter; (2) a sediment com-
posed of clay minerals .
clay, primary Clay formed in situ by the natural weathering of igneous rocks ; also
called residual clay ; see secondary clay .
clay, secondary A natural clay that was moved by such natural agencies as water
streams or wind from its place of origin, before it became deposited at a site; also
called sedimentary clay .
clay body A mixture of clay and minerals used for making ceramic objects.
clay minerals Fine-particled sediments , such as kaolinite , montmorillonite , and hal-
loisite , composed of aluminum silicate minerals derived from the chemical weather-
ing of felspathic rocks .
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