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The leader knows where she's going because she is led by a vision; this vision,
once shared, becomes the guiding force for a team, organization, or corporation.
Additionally, a leader must inspire hope and faith - in the vision and oneself.
These can only come from a clear and focused vision that we can articulate,
accept, and share with others.
The attainment of your vision will be much more likely if you take the time
to invest in creating and documenting a vision statement for you and the organi-
zation. Be realistic in what you plan and recognize that it can take several years
to attain a vision. The following definitions apply to what will be needed, as a
minimum, in the clarification and attainment of a vision.
Vision Statement (long-term perspective)
A statement that represents the holistic view, intention, and purpose of your
life and career. This statement is described with global or high level words
and should be original and specific to the values, passion, and life views that
you hold. It should be ambitious, inspiring, attractive, and, yet, attainable.
Mission Statement (goals to be attained in support of the mission; 1 to 3 years)
The mission statement consists of actions that you will follow to achieve
your vision. The statements connect specific action to vision.
Roadmap (action steps to achieve the mission in order to see vision realized)
Given the relationship between vision, mission, and roadmap it is essential
that the vision development be followed by the creation of a mission statement
and specific goals to be accomplished, or a roadmap. It is also important to keep
in mind that a roadmap, accompanied with a schedule and milestones, can enable
you to measure your progress and see if you are on track; in order to do this, the
milestones need to contain specific metrics or measurable outcomes. Achieving
these milestones will give you and your team the necessary feedback to promote a
sense of achievement and continue to inspire movement toward the vision. To cre-
ate a vision it is essential to know ones dreams, ambitions, values, and essentially
know who you are today and who you want to be tomorrow. A few valuable points
to remember when building a vision in addition to knowing yourself include:
Ponder, imagine, and brainstorm for a large vision
Focus on a vision that is consistent with your values, life purpose, and
Don't limit your ambitions - dream big!
Strength of Character
Integrity can be neither lost nor concealed nor faked nor quenched nor artificially come by
nor outlived, nor, I believe, in the long run, denied - Eudora Welty
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