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For each short-term goal answer the following:
1. How much time will it take to attain this goal?
2. What resources do I need to attain this goal?
3. What preparation is needed to attain this goal?
4. What are the financial implications or requirements?
5. What are the existing resources I have which can provide
support for the attainment of this goal?
6. How much time commitment is required from me to attain this
goal on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis?
7. What activities am I currently doing that pursuing this goal will
8. What type of schedule should I implement to complete this
9. When will I begin?
10. How will I know when I have achieved this goal?
FIGURE 8.2 Key steps to planning
and last one in the office to show your boss that you were his or her most valu-
able resource.
While “presence” is still important, it can be manifested in different ways
given our technology resources. Thanks, or no thanks, to technology, you may
be working for someone you have never laid eyes on. We are in our beds at 11
at night and responding to e-mails or meeting with colleagues halfway across
the world. It is possible to work hard in 2012 in a way that is totally different
than 15 years ago.
The key is to understand the following: How much of my plan requires me
to be in certain physical locations to successfully execute?
1. What are these locations?
2. Do I have access to them?
3. How much time do I need to spend in them?
4. What are the times I need to spend in the given locations?
5. Who do I need to know?
While working hard will always matter, the higher you climb up the organi-
zational and innovation ladder, the more important it is to work smart . It's about
understanding how to accomplish what you need to in the most efficient way
possible. Keep in mind this includes cultivating relationships that will help you
in the environment you're working in today and where you hope to be work-
ing in the future. Understanding what resources you need to work is especially
important. If you need a certain kind of computer, smart phone, network, or
other technology that allows you to work remotely, you'd better be sure you
have access to it if you want to work as efficiently as possible. Working smart
also means recognizing when you need to pull back and take some time to
recover. I've always believed the world looks best through rested eyes.
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