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than that of the individual manufacturers because of the aggregation effect. In summary, the three data
sources provided us with a total of 300 time series for our experiments.
eXPeri Ment al design
We conducted experiments adopting a representative set of traditional forecasting techniques as a control
group and a set of machine learning techniques as a treatment group. To compare the two groups, every
technique from each group was used to forecast demand one month into the future for all of the 100
series for each of the three datasets previously identified. This resulted in a series of 4700 data points
for the chocolate manufacturer, 6500 for the toner cartridge manufacturer and 14,800 for the Statistics
Canada dataset for every technique tested. However, since all forecasting techniques require past data
to make a forecast into the future, there was a predetermined startup period specific to each algorithm,
which slightly reduces the number of forecast observations.
Additionally, the demand time series were formally separated into training sets and testing sets.
This is particularly important for the ML techniques, where the training set was used for ML models
to learn the demand patterns and the testing set used to estimate how well the forecasting capability
could generalize in the future. The main performance measure that we used to test the hypotheses was
the absolute error (AE) for every forecast data point. To make the absolute error comparable across
products, we normalized this measure by dividing it by the standard deviation of the training set. Thus,
the performance of different techniques was compared in terms of normalized absolute error (NAE)
using a t-test to determine if there was statistical difference in the error (forecasting performance) of
the techniques.
experimental Procedure
To test the proposed hypothesis, we executed all of the forecasting algorithms on the demand series
from the three datasets. The first step to the implementation of this experiment was the preparation of
the data and the separation into training and testing sets. Since ML techniques require large amounts
of data in order to properly detect true patterns, we used 80% of the time series data for training and
20% of the data for testing. In the second step, we employed all of the selected techniques to produce
forecasts. All of the data processing and forecasting was performed in the MATLAB 7.0 environment
(MathWorks, 2005c).
To illustrate, in the chocolate factory dataset, the training set contains 80% of the data, thus 38
months of demand and the testing set will contain the other 20% of the data that is 9 months of demand.
This represents data from October 2000 to November 2003 for the training set and December 2003 to
August 2004 for the testing set. The testing set contained the total of 900 forecast observations used
for comparing performance of forecasting techniques.
Some forecasting algorithms, such as multiple linear regression, neural networks and support vector
machines, require windowed data, i.e., past data that is used to predict future demand. For example a
window size of 3 months could be defined, thus indicating that this current month's data and the data
from the previous 2 months were used to predict next month's data. For some of the simpler forecasting
techniques such as the moving average, trend, and exponential smoothing, we implemented two ver-
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