Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 3.3
startRMIConnector() method that adds the RMI connector server
to the agent
protected void startRMIConnector()
RmiConnectorServer connector = new RmiConnectorServer();
ObjectName connectorName = null;
connector.setPort( 2099 );
connectorName = new ObjectName(
server.registerMBean( connector, connectorName );
catch(Exception e)
ExceptionUtil.printException( e );
The implementation of this method is almost identical to the startHTML-
Adapter() method we already examined. First, you create the RmiConnec-
torServer instance (which is the connector MBean) and register it on the
MBeanServer using a new ObjectName instance. After registering the connector,
you invoke its start() method, preparing it to receive clients. After we examine
the main() method of the agent, you will create the RMI client factory class used
to create clients for the RMI connector.
Finishing with a main() method
Listing 3.4 shows the main() method used to start this agent from a command-
line prompt. It simply constructs an instance of the agent and print out messages
for the user.
Listing 3.4
The main() method of the JMXBookAgent class
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" +
System.out.println("\n>>> START of JMXBook Agent");
System.out.println("\n>>> CREATE the agent...");
JMXBookAgent agent = new JMXBookAgent();
System.out.println("\nAgent is Ready for Service...\n");
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