Java Reference
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With the completion of the main() method, you have finished the agent code. As
mentioned earlier, you still need to provide a way to create an RMI client when
you want to interact with the agent using the RMI connector. The next section
presents a utility class called RMIClientFactory that provides the solution.
3.3 Writing the RMIClientFactory class
The RMIClientFactory class is used as a convenient way to acquire an RMI client
to connect to your JMX agent. Currently, the factory class returns a client with all
the default values, which will connect to the agent. You will learn how to change
the defaults for the RMI connector in chapter 9. Listing 3.5 shows the class.
Listing 3.5
package jmxbook.ch3;
import com.sun.jdmk.comm.*;
public class RMIClientFactory
public static RmiConnectorClient getClient()
RmiConnectorClient client = new RmiConnectorClient();
RmiConnectorAddress address = new RmiConnectorAddress();
address.setPort( 2099 );
System.out.println("\t\tTYPE\t= " +
address.getConnectorType ());
System.out.println("\t\tPORT\t= " + address.getPort());
System.out.println("\t\tHOST\t= " + address.getHost());
System.out.println("\t\tSERVER\t= " + address.getName());
client.connect( address );
catch( Exception e )
ExceptionUtil.printException( e );
return client;
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