Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Caution: The CLI is a powerful interface. The Enter key commits the command immedi-
ately, and you are very rarely asked to confirm your intent. This effectively means the CLI
will do exactly what you just told it to do, including the possibility of negatively impacting
the operation of the server. Review the CLI Administration Guide and be certain of the
commands you are entering before using the CLI.
User Management in CUCM: Roles and Groups
The CUCM application defines a consistent and simple method of assigning (and limiting)
administrative privilege to users. Users are assigned to groups; Groups are assigned Roles;
Roles define privileges to applications. The following sections provide some detail on this
administration web page, a report tool, or a feature section within a CUCM web page.
To p i c
The privilege assigned for each resource can be one of the following:
No Access: The role denies access to the resource; for example, a web page will not
load, and an error appears instead.
Read: The role allows the resource to be displayed but not edited: for example, a web
page may load, but none of the fields or settings can be modified. Buttons such as
Add, Insert, Delete, or Update do not appear.
Update: The role allows full access to the resource, including editing and modifica-
tion (and deletion where applicable).
Other applications (for example, Cisco Unified Serviceability or Cisco Extension Mobil-
ity) define access privileges that are relevant and specific to the application.
There are 39 Standard roles defined by default in CUCM 8.0; in most cases, one of these
roles provide the administrative functions required. If a Standard role is not exactly cor-
rect for a particular scenario, custom roles can be defined that exactly define the adminis-
trative privilege required in any context. Custom roles can be defined for any of the
following applications:
CUCM Administration
CUCM Serviceability
Cisco Computer Telephone Interface (CTI)
CUCM Administrative XML (AXL) database
Cisco Extension Mobility
CUCM End User
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