Database Reference
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To understand the performance benefit of the NOT NULL column constraint, consider the following example.
These two queries are intended to return every value that does not equal 'B' . These two queries are running against
similarly sized columns, each of which will require a table scan in order to return the data:
SELECT p.FirstName
FROM Person.Person AS p
WHERE p.FirstName < 'B'
OR p.FirstName >= 'C';
SELECT p.MiddleName
FROM Person.Person AS p
WHERE p.MiddleName < 'B'
OR p.MiddleName >= 'C';
The two queries use identical execution plans, as you can see in Figure 18-16 .
Figure 18-16. Table scans caused by a lack of indexes
Since the column Person.MiddleName can contain NULL , the data returned is incomplete. This is because, by
definition, although a NULL value meets the necessary criteria of not being in any way equal to 'B' , you can't return
NULL values in this manner. An added OR clause is necessary. That would mean modifying the second query like this:
SELECT p.FirstName
FROM Person.Person AS p
WHERE p.FirstName < 'B'
OR p.FirstName >= 'C' ;
SELECT p.MiddleName
FROM Person.Person AS p
WHERE p.MiddleName < 'B'
OR p.MiddleName >= 'C'
OR p.MiddleName IS NULL;
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