Database Reference
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Also, as shown in the missing index statements in the execution plan in Figure 18-15 , these two queries can
benefit from having indexes created on their tables. Creating test indexes like the following should satisfy the
ON Person.Person (MiddleName);
ON Person.Person (FirstName);
When the queries are reexecuted, Figure 18-17 shows the resultant execution plan for the two SELECT statements.
Figure 18-17. Effect of the IS NULL option being used
As shown in Figure 18-17 , the optimizer was able to take advantage of the index TestIndex2 on the
Person.FirstName column to get a nice clean Index Seek operation. Unfortunately, the requirements for processing
the NULL columns were very different. The index TestIndex1 was not used in the same way. Instead, three constants
were created for each of the three criteria defined within the query. These were then joined together through the
Concatenation operation, sorted and merged prior to scanning the index three times through the Nested Loop
operator to arrive at the result set. Although it appears, from the estimated costs in the execution plan, that this was
the less costly query (42 percent compared to 58 percent), STATISTICS 10 and TIME tell the more accurate story,
which is that the NULL queries were more costly.
Table 'Person'. Scan count 2 , logical reads 66 CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 126 ms.
Table 'Person'. Scan count 3 , logical reads 42 CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 137 ms.
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