Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 4. The neighborhood-joining taxonomy for the evolutionary computation problems used in this study.
Vertical spacing is even while horizontal distance reflects the abstract distance between problems.
highly multi-modal. It does best with a diversity
preserving graph, the cycle, giving a performance
increase of approximately 50% compared to the
complete graph, corresponding to about 6000
fewer mating events.
The hydraulic mixing nozzle and the antibiotic
resistance problems are both still under investiga-
tion, but preliminary results show that they both
benefit from some diversity preservation, although
they also benefits from some sharing of informa-
tion. The hydraulic mixing nozzle problem pro-
vides a single solution using a highly connected
graph, and up to three solutions appeared when a
sparse graph was used. The antibiotic resistance
problem is a multi-objective function that has
two competing fitness functions. Because of the
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