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$ cmake ..
$ make
This creates a binary executable named tapkee .
Linear and Nonlinear Mappings
First, we'll scale the features using standardization such that each feature is equally
important. This generally leads to better results when applying machine-learning
To scale we use a combination of cols and Rio :
$ < wine-both.csv cols -C type Rio -f scale > wine-both-scaled.csv
Now we apply both dimensionality reduction techniques and visualize the mapping
using Rio-scatter ( Figure 9-3 ):
$ < wine-both-scaled.csv cols -C type ,quality body tapkee --method pca |
> header -r x,y,type,quality | Rio-scatter x y type | display
Figure 9-3. Linear dimensionality reduction with PCA
$ < wine-both-scaled.csv cols -C type ,quality body tapkee --method t-sne |
> header -r x,y,type,quality | Rio-scatter x y type | display
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