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exercise 12.5: adjust Crop regions
One very important aspect of composing views on sheets is to adjust the size of
the view port so that only the most pertinent information is shown in the view.
This helps to make an accurate set of drawings for the builder and estimator.
Open the file c12-ex-12.5start.rvt you downloaded previously to get started.
1. The file should open to sheet K100 - KITCHEN LAYOUT.
2. Zoom into view 1 called Kitchen. This is an enlarged plan of the
kitchen layout, and it doesn't it into the sheet boundary.
3. Select the view, and from the ribbon's contextual panel at the far
right, click the Activate View button.
4. Once the view is activated, select the crop region bordering the view.
Notice the blue, circular grips that appear at the midpoint of each
edge (Figure 12.24). These are used for dragging interactively.
FigUre 12.24 Crop region grips
5. Drag the left grip so that the view fits inside the sheet boundary.
Revit allows you to customize the shape of your view beyond a simple
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