Graphics Programs Reference
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Creating revit elements from a Mass
Once your mass is approximately the right size and shape, you can start to
advance from the conceptual design phase to early design development. The
mass itself has few properties aside from area and volume. You need to add
building elements like floors, walls, and curtain systems to enclose and define
your building. Revit uses the mass as an armature to place these real model
elements upon.
exercise 7.6: Create Floors from a Mass
To start this exercise, open the file c07-ex-07.6start.rvt .
1. The file should open in the 3D view. Go to the Massing & Site tab,
find the Model By Face panel, and then click the Floor tool.
2. Select the three mass floors; this is easy to do because you are
allowed to select only mass floors in this tool.
You can change the
type of floor you want
to create before you
make floors by face.
Choose from the Type
Selector drop-down
after you start the
Floor By Face command
but before you click the
Create Floor button.
3. After choosing all three mass floors, click the Create Floor button in
the ribbon. Now you have real Revit floors that will be displayed in all
views. The benefit of creating floors by face is that you don't need to
sketch a custom shape for any of your floors—Revit uses your mass
floor to automatically generate the floor outline.
This concludes Exercise 7.6. You can compare your results with the sample
ile c07-ex-07.6end.rvt .
exercise 7.7: Create Walls from a Mass
Open the file c07-ex-07.7start.rvt to begin this exercise.
1. In order to make the next steps easier, turn on Face Selection.
Find the Modify button on the far-left side of the ribbon, and click
the Select button underneath it. Now check the box next to Select
Elements By Face.
2. Go to the Massing & Site tab, find the Model By Face panel, and then
click the Wall tool. You will place solid walls now and place glass walls
in the next exercise. Hover your mouse over one of the third-floor
walls, as in Figure 7.9. Click to place a new wall.
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