Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
11. Deselect the parameter. When you click OK, the grid is no longer vis-
ible in the title block.
If you uncheck the Grid
Visibility parameter,
it turns off the grid
throughout your proj-
ect, rather than just
one view at a time.
Family tips and Best practices
The following are some additional tips and best practices for modifying and
working with families:
Name Your reference planes After adding new reference planes, make sure to
assign them a name in the Properties palette's Name field. This makes it much
easier to keep track of each reference plane and allows them to be selected by
name when you are editing the work plane.
edit Work planes When working in the Family Editor, you may at times need
to move a work plane-based element (such as an extrusion) from one work
plane to another. When selecting the element, the option to Edit Work Plane
becomes available on the ribbon. You can select from a list of levels and
reference planes to move the element to. This is another reason to
name reference planes; if Name is blank, it will not appear under the Specify
A New Work Plan Name list.
Flex reference planes before adding geometry When creating new geometry
in a family or adding a parameter to existing reference planes, be sure to prop-
erly flex the family before adding geometry. Think of reference planes as the
framework for the geometry. First add reference planes, and then add dimen-
sions between the reference planes as needed. Once the dimensions/parameters
are in place, the values should be adjusted to ensure the reference planes adjust
It is much easier to
troubleshoot a poten-
tial issue before adding
additional geometry
into the family.
use the Wall Closure Option For wall-hosted families (such as door and win-
dows), reference planes can be used to determine the point where the wall layers
will wrap around the family insert. You can see the difference in Figure 6.44
with Wall Closure checked and unchecked.
Figure 6.44 Wall Closure options
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