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, Domani )
, Yung Kee )
John , Mary
, Bonheur Restaurant )
John , Mary
, Sashimi Hiro )
John , Mary
, Jashan )
John , Mary
, Spasso )
( { John , Mary }, Domani ) },
( { John , Mary }, Yung Kee ) }.
Both preference John and Mary are so defined that ( { John , Mary },
Yung Kee ) is more preferred to any other coalitional acts.
Both private beliefs bel John and bel Mary in B are defined as follows.
If α 1 John α 2 ,then bel Mary ( α 1 John α 2 ), except that we replace
all occurrences of
bel Mary ((
John , Mary
, Yung Kee )
John α )
bel Mary ((
John , Mary
, Bonheur Restaurant )
John α )
for any α . Similarly, if α 1 Mary α 2 ,then bel John ( α 1 Mary α 2 ),
except that we replace all occurrences of
bel John ((
John , Mary
, Yung Kee )
Mary α )
bel John ((
John , Mary
, Bonheur Restaurant )
Mary α )
for any α . 1
1 Arguably we should also replace all occurrences of bel Mary (( { John } , Yung Kee )
John α )by bel Mary (( { John }, Bonheur Restaurant ) John α ) for any α (and simi-
larly for bel John ), but this does not affect the results of analysis.
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