Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
An example is shown in the following image. While in a typical BI solution, we
would need to start by selecting a Region and then drill down step-by-step
through the defined drill path, in QlikView we can choose whatever entry point
we like— Region , State , Product , or Sales Person . We are then shown only the
data related to that selection, and in our next selection we can go wherever we
want. It is infinitely flexible.
Additionally, the QlikView user interface allows us to see which data is associated
with our selection.
For example, the following screenshot (from QlikTech's What's New in QlikView 11
demo document) shows a QlikView Dashboard in which two values are selected. In
the Quarter field, Q3 is selected, and in the Sales Reps field, Cart Lynch is selected.
We can see this because these values are green, which in QlikView means that they
have been selected. When a selection is made, the interface automatically updates
to not only show which data is associated with that selection, but also which data
is not associated with the selection. Associated data has a white background, while
non-associated data has a gray background. Sometimes the associations can be pretty
obvious; it is no surprise that the third quarter is associated with the months July,
August, and September. However, at other times, some not-so-obvious insights
surface, such as the information that Cart Lynch has not sold any products in
Germany or Spain. This extra information, not featured in traditional BI tools, can be
of great value, as it offers a new starting point for investigation.
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