Databases Reference
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Creating the Reports sheet
Now that we've created our Dashboard and Analysis sheets, it is time to create the
final sheet from our DAR setup: the Reports sheet.
As was defined in the requirements, we will be creating the following objects:
• Aggregated flights per month
• KPIs per carrier
But before we begin creating new objects, let's first take a quick look at how we can
re-use the expressions that we have created earlier.
By now you may have noticed that we are using the same expressions in many
places. While we could simply type in the same expression every time, this approach
has two disadvantages:
• We risk introducing (minor) variations in the way expressions are calculated.
For example, one "revenue" expression might contain sales tax while another
does not.
• It makes maintenance harder; if the way an expression is calculated changes
we'd have to change it in many different places in our document, though the
Expression Overview window can help us simplify that task.
Enter variables . Variables make it easy to store expressions (and other statements,
but more on that later) in a central location from where they can be referenced
anywhere in our document.
Let's start by creating a variable to store the expression for the Load Factor % KPI:
Go to Settings | Variable Overview in the menu, or click Ctrl + Alt + V , to
open the Variable Overview window.
Click on Add , enter eLoadFactor in the Variable Name input box, and click
on OK .
While you would expect it, the new variable is not selected by default after
creation. Highlight the eLoadFactor variable and enter the following in the
Definition input box :
(Sum ([# Transported Passengers]) / Sum ([# Available Seats]))
In the Comment box, enter the description as The number of transported
passengers versus the number of available seats .
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