Databases Reference
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Now the carrier names, along with their respective market share, are shown directly
on the pie slices. Since there is no need for a legend anymore, we have disabled
it. The expression that we used: if(count(distinct [Carrier Name]) = 1,
[Carrier Name], 'Others') uses a conditional function to check if the current
slice corresponds to a single carrier by counting the distinct number of carrier names
( count(distinct [Carrier Name]) = 1 ). If the count equals one, the carrier name
is used; if not, it must mean that we are looking at the "others" slice of the pie, so the
" Others " label is applied. Our finished dashboard should now look like the following
We've now finished the dashboard sheet. We re-used quite a few objects from the
Analysis sheet, and added gauges, text objects, and a pie chart. Besides creating new
objects, we were also introduced to linked objects, actions, and dimension limits.
Let's move on to the last sheet, the Reports sheet.
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