Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In a moment we will discuss the positioning of the objects we are adding, but for
now let's add another listbox, this time using a different method:
Right-click anywhere on the sheet and select New Sheet Object | List Box .
Select Aircraft Type from the Field drop-down list.
Click on OK to close the dialog window.
The List Box Properties dialog
Besides the default settings, there are quite a few other options that can be set
for listboxes. In this section, we will review the most common of these options.
Right-click on any listbox and select Properties… to open the List Box Properties
dialog window.
While the customization of the listboxes' appearance is quite
flexible, one of the options that cannot be changed, at least
not out-of-the-box, are the colors used to identify selections.
Green always means selected, while white and gray mean
associated and excluded values respectively.
The General tab
As the name implies, the General tab contains general options for the listbox.
Notable options are:
Title : This option is used to set the Title label to be different from the default
field name. The Title label can also be set based on a calculated value.
Object ID : While the title shows the pretty-print frontend name, the Object
ID option contains the name under which the listbox is known to QlikView.
This ID can be used to reference the listbox from other QlikView objects.
Always One Selected Value : This checkbox is only available when a single
value is selected at the time we open the Properties dialog. This option locks
the listbox so that it can only have one value selected at any given time.
• The Show Frequency and In Percent checkboxes: These options are used to
display the absolute number of times that each value appears in the active
data set. When In Percent is checked, the relative number of appearances
versus the total is shown.
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