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Working with listboxes
Currently, our QlikView document contains the following listboxes in the
Dashboard sheet:
Carrier's Operating Region
Carrier Group
Flight Type
Aircraft Group
Let's see how we can add listboxes and change their properties.
Adding listboxes
Lets add another listbox representing the Carrier Name field by right-clicking on
the worksheet and selecting Properties… (or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + S , which is the
shortcut for the Settings | Sheet Properties menu command). Next, open the Fields
tab, locate the Carrier Name field under the Available Fields list, and click on Add >
to add it as a new listbox.
Many routes lead to Rome
To add an object to a worksheet, there are three basic
methods: using the menu, using the toolbar, or using the
pop-up menu:
Menu : By selecting Layout | New Sheet Object
Toolbar : By using the design toolbar
Pop-up : By right-clicking on a blank space within the
worksheet and choosing the desired object from the
New Sheet Object submenu
The examples throughout this topic will use a different
method each time, but of course you are free to choose
your preferred method.
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