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You bought five handles for your kitchen cabinets in a Parisian
hardware store. When you get home, however, you see that
one is damaged, and besides, it turns out you needed only
four. You go back to the store with the receipt to return
the unwanted item, politely explaining the situation to the
salesman. He is not at all accommodating, saying you should
have noticed the problem before you left the store and that
there's nothing he can do. He points to a sign on the wall
that says 'no returns'. You:
Agree, saying, “oui, monsieur”, you understand that, in
general, nothing should be returned, but this item was
defective. You add that you do not wish to be difficult but
hope to continue patronising his shop in future.
Realise that the salesman's arrogant attitude is just a show,
which can easily be overturned once he realises that he
may lose your business. Thus, you tell the salesman that
you will never again patronise his shop and, what's more,
you will advise your foreign friends to do likewise, if he
doesn't comply to your reasonable request.
Ask to speak to his manager or supervisor, as Parisian
salespeople have obviously no power to make
any decisions.
Politely tell the salesman that where you come from, all
respectable shops abide by the motto 'the customer is
always right', and firmly request that he reimburse you
for the defective item.
Although it may take a longer and probably more stressful
exchange with the salesperson than you would have
expected, is the way to go about it in Paris. Standing
your own ground, while reassuring the salesperson that
you wish to maintain friendly relations with the store, is
the best way to get French salespeople to acquiesce, albeit
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