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In addition to the correlation monoplot described in Section 10.2.2, a list with the follow-
ing components is returned: cor.X , the correlation matrix of X ; adequacies ,theaxis
adequacies; predictivities , the axis predictivities; and unit.cor.approx ,themea-
sure of how well each variable approximates the unit correlation of exact representations,
given algebraically by the square root of diag ( V
2 JV ) .
10.5.3 Function MonoPlot.cor2
This function constructs the correlation monoplots described in Section 10.2.4 based on
the PCO of (10.4) with R as well as with R R . It takes the same arguments as Mono-
Plot.cor , but arguments exp.factor , rotate.degrees and reflect (see PCAbipl )
are also available.
In addition to the two correlation monoplots described in Section 10.2.4, a list with the
following components is returned: cor.X , the correlation matrix of X ; adequacies.R ,
and adequacies.R2 , the axis adequacies associated with R and R R , respectively.
10.5.4 Function MonoPlot.coefvar
This is a function for constructing the coefficient of variation monoplot defined in
Section 10.2.3. Except for scaled.mat , it takes the same arguments as MonoPlot.cov .
In addition to the coefficient of variation monoplot (see Figure 10.7), it returns a list with
components: cov.X , the covariance matrix of X ; cor.X , the correlation matrix of X ;and
coefvar.vec , the vector containing the coefficients of variation of all the variables.
10.5.5 Function MonoPlot.skew
This is a function for constructing the hedron plots described in Section 10.3. It takes
only the following arguments:
A square matrix,
Optional argument for constructing a triangle on the hedron plot,
Optional argument for constructing a second triangle on the
hedron plot,
Optional arguments passed to the points function controlling
appearance of the plotted points,
In addition to the hedron plot (see Figure 10.11), it returns a list with components: M ,
the symmetric M matrix defined in Section 10.4; N , the skew-symmetric N matrix defined
in Section 10.4; K ,the K matrix defined in Section 10.4; U and sigma , the matrices U
of the SVD (10.5).
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