Java Reference
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/** Constructor passes title to super class. **/
public FrameMenuApp (String title) {
super (title);
/** Create a frame and display image with DrawingPanel. **/
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Get an image and pass it to an instance of DrawingPanel.
Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getImage (
DrawingPanel drawingPanel = new DrawingPanel (img);
// Create an instance of this JFrame subclass.
FrameMenuApp f =
new FrameMenuApp ( " Frame with Menu Bar Demo " );
f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT - ON - CLOSE);
// Build a menu bar.
JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar ();
// Create a standard "File" drop-down menu.
JMenu menu = new JMenu ("File");
// Include for key selection of the menu item.
menu.setMnemonic (KeyEvent.VK - F);
// Add the menu to the menu bar
mb.add (menu);
// Create an Open item for the menu.
JMenuItem menuOpen = new JMenuItem ("Open", KeyEvent.VK - O);
menu.add (menuOpen);
// The FrameMenuApp implements ActionListener
// to respond to the menu item selections.
menuOpen.addActionListener (f);
// Include a separate line on the menu.
menu.addSeparator ();
// Add the exit item
JMenuItem menuExit = new JMenuItem ( " Exit " , KeyEvent.VK - X);
// Includes the accelerator key combo to select it.
menuExit.setAccelerator (KeyStroke.getKeyStroke (
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