Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.4 Cryo-TEM images of solid lipid nanoparticles. a Trimyristin ( TM ) formulations and b
cholesteryl myristate ( CM ) formulations, top row —Pluronic F68-(F 68) stabilized formulations,
middle row —Tween 80 (Tw80)-stabilized formulations and bottom row —soya bean phospholipid
(S100) and sodium glycocholate ( SGC )-stabilized formulations, scale bars represent 200 nm.
TM formulations display platelet-like anisometric structures with angular edges and Tw8—
and S100/SGC-stabilized lipid platelets appear to have smoother edges than F 68-stabilized
lipid platelets. CM formulations display regular lipid platelets. Edges of all platelets, irrespec-
tive of stabilizers used, appear to be smooth. Additional colloidal structures such as ring-shaped
liposomes and micelles are also seen in S100/SGC-stabilized formulations. Reprinted from Eur J
Pharm Biopharm, Petersen et al. ( 2011 ), with permission from Elsevier
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