Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
In the left-hand pane, click on the Devices link to register your test devices
with the iOS Dev Center by clicking on the Add Devices button and then
entering a description for the device and its 40-character hex device ID. There
is a link labeled Finding the Device ID , which tells you how to discover this
value for a particular device.
Next click on the App IDs link and then on the New App ID button, and
register a new App ID to use for your applications. You just need to enter a
description (which can be anything you want) and a bundle identifier that is
of the form com.domainname.appname . The domainname part can be pretty
much anything you like (it doesn't necessarily have to relate to a real URL),
while the appname part should either be the name of your application, or you
can use an asterisk that then lets you use that App ID for any application.
Click on the Provisioning link and then click on the New Profile button. Enter
a descriptive name for the profile and tick the checkbox next to your certificate
name. Select the App ID you generated in step 7 from the drop-down box, and
then tick all the checkboxes for any device that you want this provisioning
profile to apply to.
Click on the Provisioning link again and keep refreshing this page until a
Download button appears next to your new provisioning profile.
There is more information on this process in the Marmalade Documentation help
file, and there are also How To tabs on most of the iOS Provisioning Portal pages
explaining the processes involved, although most of these assume that you are using
an Apple Mac to generate the various files.
With all those hurdles negotiated, we can then use Marmalade System Deployment
Tool to generate a properly signed iOS install package, which will be named Hello.
ipa . Now to get it installed onto a device!
It is possible to use iTunes to install your builds, but be warned that it tends to be
a little bit of hit and miss as to whether it will work. Sometimes iTunes does not
recognize that a new build is available and needs to be synched to the device. In my
experience, a more reliable option is to use the iPhone Configuration Utility , which
is a freely available Apple tool that can be downloaded from the following URL:
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