Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12-21
Figure 12-22
This event is just a warning, and not an error, so it can be discarded as a potential reliability issue. Other
errors should be investigated fully.
Later in the chapter you will look into the results in more detail.
Best Practice for SQLIOSimTest Duration
The default configuration for SQLIOSim is to run only for 5 minutes. In most cases that isn't long enough
to uncover deep problems, and the best practice is that you configure SQLIOSim to run for at least two
hours, and preferably longer to uncover any potential storage reliability issues. To configure this, change
the test configuration so that it now uses a test duration of 600 seconds, or 10 minutes, and change the
number of cycles to 12 to get a 2-hour test, or 18 for a 3-hour test (see Figure 12-23).
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