Chemistry Reference
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Figure 6.19 shows the dark
i-V curves Si and n- Si
10M HF + 0.5M HBr + 10
of p-
for the reactions
solution. 14 The
involving the reduction of in mM
cathodic current on p- Si in the dark is due to hole injection into the valence band. On
the other hand, the cathodic plateau current on n- Si is much larger than on p- Si indi-
cating that the reduction process is mainly a conduction band process. When conduc-
tion band electrons are not available, the reduction of
may proceed via the valence
band as is the case with
-Si in the dark. The current plateau at cathodic potentials on
both p- Si and n -Si is limited by the diffusion of
The small plateau current on p- Si
indicates that only a small fraction of
is reduced electrochemically and most of the
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