Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
As usual, we have a camera and a SpriteBatcher to render our UI elements and the background.
To check whether a touch event hit a button, we store a Vector2 instance and four Rectangle
instances for the four buttons onscreen.
public SettingsScreen(Game game) {
super (game);
guiCam = new Camera2D(glGraphics, 480, 320);
batcher = new SpriteBatcher(glGraphics, 10);
touchPoint = new Vector2();
touchBounds = new Rectangle(120-32, 160-32, 64, 64);
accelBounds = new Rectangle(240-32, 160-32, 64, 64);
soundBounds = new Rectangle(360-32, 160-32, 64, 64);
backBounds = new Rectangle(32, 32, 64, 64);
In the constructor, we set up all the members for the screen. No rocket science involved here.
public void update( float deltaTime) {
List<TouchEvent> events = game.getInput().getTouchEvents();
int len = events.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
TouchEvent event = events.get(i);
if (event.type != TouchEvent. TOUCH_UP )
continue ;
guiCam.touchToWorld(touchPoint.set(event.x, event.y));
if (OverlapTester. pointInRectangle (touchBounds, touchPoint)) {
Assets. playSound (Assets. clickSound );
Settings. touchEnabled = true ;
Settings. save (game.getFileIO());
if (OverlapTester. pointInRectangle (accelBounds, touchPoint)) {
Assets. playSound (Assets. clickSound );
Settings. touchEnabled = false ;
Settings. save (game.getFileIO());
if (OverlapTester. pointInRectangle (soundBounds, touchPoint)) {
Assets. playSound (Assets. clickSound );
Settings. soundEnabled = !Settings. soundEnabled ;
if (Settings. soundEnabled ) {
Assets. music .play();
} else {
Assets. music .pause();
Settings. save (game.getFileIO());
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