Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
we'll use to write Android games. We can't possibly cover all the details of developing with
Eclipse, as it is such a huge beast. We therefore advise you to learn more about Eclipse via its
extensive help system if the need arises.
Helpful Eclipse Shortcuts
Every new IDE requires some time to learn and become accustomed to. After using Eclipse for
many years, we have found the following shortcuts speed up software development significantly.
These shortcuts use Windows terms, so Mac OS X users should substitute Command and
Option where appropriate:
Ctr + Shift + G with the cursor on a function or field will perform a workspace
search for all references to the function or field. For instance, if you want to
see where a certain function is called, just click to move the cursor onto the
function and press Ctrl + Shift + G.
F3 with the cursor on a calling into function will follow that call and bring you
to the source code that declares and defines the function. Use this hotkey in
combination with Ctrl + Shift + G for easy Java source code navigation. Doing
the same on a class name or a field will open up its declaration.
Ctr + spacebar autocompletes the function or field name you are currently
typing. Start typing and press the shortcut after you have entered a few
characters. When there are multiple possibilities, a box will appear.
Ctr + Z is undo.
Ctr + X cuts.
Ctr + C copies.
Ctr + V pastes.
Ctr + F11 runs the application.
F11 debugs the application.
Ctr + Shift + O organizes the Java imports of the current source file.
Ctr + Shift + F formats the current source file.
Ctr + Shift + T jumps to any Java class.
Ctr + Shift + R jumps to any resource file; that is, an image, a text file, and so on.
Alt + Shift + T brings up the refactor menu for the current selection.
Ctrl + O lets you jump to any method or field in the currently open Java class.
There are many more useful features in Eclipse, but mastering these basic keyboard shortcuts
can significantly speed up your game development and make life in Eclipse just a little better.
Eclipse is also very configurable. Any of these keyboard shortcuts can be reassigned to different
keys in the Preferences.
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