Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Finally, we have the methods getWidth() and getHeight() , which simply return the size of the
artificial framebuffer stored by the AndroidGraphics class to which it renders internally.
AndroidFastRenderView is the last class we need in order to implement.
AndroidFastRenderView: Loop, Stretch, Loop, Stretch
The name of this class should give away what lies ahead. In Chapter 4, we discussed using a
SurfaceView to perform continuous rendering in a separate thread that could also house our
game's main loop. We developed a very simple class called FastRenderView , which was derived
from the SurfaceView class, we made sure we play nice with the activity life cycle, and we set
up a thread in order to constantly render the SurfaceView via a Canvas . Here, we'll reuse this
FastRenderView class and augment it to do a few more things:
It keeps a reference to a
Game instance from which it can get the active
Screen . We constantly call the Screen.update() and Screen.present()
methods from within the FastRenderView thread.
It keeps track of the delta time between frames that is passed to the
active Screen .
It takes the artificial framebuffer to which the AndroidGraphics instance draws, and draws it to
the SurfaceView , which is scaled if necessary.
Listing 5-15 shows the implementation of the AndroidFastRenderView class, with commentary
where appropriate.
Listing 5-15., a Threaded SurfaceView Executing Our Game Code
package com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.impl;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
public class AndroidFastRenderView extends SurfaceView implements Runnable {
AndroidGame game;
Bitmap framebuffer;
Thread renderThread= null ;
SurfaceHolder holder;
volatile boolean running= false ;
This should look familiar. We just need to add two more membersā€”an AndroidGame instance and
a Bitmap instance that represent our artificial framebuffer. The other members are the same as in
our FastRenderView from Chapter 3.
public AndroidFastRenderView(AndroidGame game, Bitmap framebuffer) {
super (game);
this .game=game;
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