Game Development Reference
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The drawRect() method sets the Paint member's color and style attributes so that we can draw
a filled, colored rectangle. In the actual Canvas.drawRect() call, we have to transform the x , y ,
width , and height parameters of the coordinates in the top-left and bottom-right corners of the
rectangle. For the top-left corner, we simply use the x and y parameters. For the bottom-right
corner, we add the width and height to x and y and subtract 1. For example, if we render a
rectangle with an x and y of (10,10) and a width and height of 2 and 2 and we don't subtract 1,
the resulting rectangle on the screen will be 3×3 pixels in size.
public void drawPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, int x, int y, int srcX, int srcY,
int srcWidth, int srcHeight) {
srcRect.right=srcX+srcWidth - 1;
srcRect.bottom=srcY+srcHeight - 1;
dstRect.right=x+srcWidth - 1;
dstRect.bottom=y+srcHeight - 1;
canvas.drawBitmap(((AndroidPixmap) pixmap).bitmap, srcRect, dstRect, null );
The drawPixmap() method, which allows us to draw a portion of a Pixmap , sets up the source
and destination of the Rect members that are used in the actual drawing call. As with drawing
a rectangle, we have to translate the x and y coordinates together with the width and height to
the top-left and bottom-right corners. Again, we have to subtract 1, or else we will overshoot
by 1 pixel. Next, we perform the actual drawing via the Canvas.drawBitmap() method, which
will automatically do the blending if the Pixmap we draw has a PixmapFormat.ARGB4444 or
a PixmapFormat.ARGB8888 color depth. Note that we have to cast the Pixmap parameter to
an AndroidPixmap in order to fetch the bitmap member for drawing with the Canvas . That's
a bit complicated, but we can be sure that the Pixmap instance that is passed in will be an
AndroidPixmap .
public void drawPixmap(Pixmap pixmap, int x, int y) {
canvas.drawBitmap(((AndroidPixmap)pixmap).bitmap, x, y, null );
The second drawPixmap() method draws the complete Pixmap to the artificial framebuffer
at the given coordinates. Again, we must do some casting to get to the Bitmap member of
the AndroidPixmap .
public int getWidth() {
return frameBuffer.getWidth();
public int getHeight() {
return frameBuffer.getHeight();
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