Agriculture Reference
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1 In the egg protein, the sum of all amino acids is 92.1 percent, including essential
36.2 percent [1]. In our studies in the crude protein of the green mass of red clover and
G. orientalis , 18 amino acids were identifi ed, including all essential. In relative terms,
that is in percentage to crude protein, all amino acid contents in the variety samples
amounted to: in red clover TOS-870—96.19 percent; in G. orientalis SEG-1—95.67
percent, SEG-2—95.78 percent, SEG-4—95.80 percent; in alfalfa—98.55 percent
against—92.1 percent in the egg protein (with its general content of 12.0%). Thus, the
content of all amino acids in the protein of the studied samples was higher than in the
egg protein by 3.57-4.09 percent. In alfalfa, this parameter was higher by 6.45 percent.
To determine the biological nutritional value of proteins, we studied the overall con-
tent and quality composition of the essential amino acids. Our analysis of the proteins
in the green mass of the variety samples of both crops showed that they contain all the
essential amino acids and fairly well-balanced amino acid composition. The concen-
tration of most of the essential amino acids in individual samples was higher than that
required by the rules of feeding farm animals in accordance with the FAO standards.
It should be noted that amino acid composition of the protein depended on the species
and variety features. So, higher threonine content was observed in the samples of G.
orientalis SEG-1 (4.03%), SEG-2 (4.14%), and SEG-4 (4.06%) versus 4.05 percent
for the standard FAO and 3.6 percent for egg protein. The highest content of valine
(5.38 vs 5.0% in the standard FAO) was observed in red clover samples TOS-870, and
leucine in the samples of G. orientalis SEG-2 (7.18%) versus 7.0 percent in the stan-
dard FAO and 6.5 percent for egg protein. All samples of G. orientalis and red clover
had higher content of lysine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine than the FAO standard.
The highest amount of essential amino acids (31.88 and 31.31%) was observed in the
samples of G. orientalis SEG-2 and SEG-1. The red clover variety in essential amino
acid content was at the level of the FAO standard. It is known that animals absorb from
plant feed essential amino acids. The lower the biological nutritional value of the plant
protein, the higher is the feed consumption. It is believed that every missing gram of
protein in the feed unit leads to excessive consumption of feed up to 2.0 percent. It is
therefore very important to use for animal feeding nutritious protein feed. With bal-
anced protein diet, energy costs and consumption of feed reduce and the productivity
of the animals increases.
The creation of new high-yielding varieties of red clover and G. orientalis with im-
proved quantitative and qualitative composition of the essential amino acids is one of
the ways to successfully solve the problem of feed protein in the Republic of Belarus.
Created by the Department of Breeding and Genetics, the new source material is char-
acterized by high biological nutritional value. The best by the biological nutritional
value of the protein among the studied variety samples were G. orientalis SEG-2,
SEG-1, and red clover TOS-870 that exceed the FAO standard not only by the content
of individual amino acids, but also by their total number.
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