Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Activity Duration —The number of time units (weeks, days, hours, etc.) required to
complete an activity. There are four types of duration: original (or planned )
duration , actual duration , remaining duration ,and at completion duration .
Activity ID —A unique identity given—by the scheduler or the scheduling
program—to each activity in the schedule. It is usually made of numerical,
alphabetic, or combination characters, for example, ASD4230.
Activity on Arrow (AOA) Network —A network diagram showing a sequence of
activities, in which each activity is represented by an arrow connecting two
nodes (circles), each of which represents an event.
Activity on Node (AON) Network —A network diagram in which activities are
represented by a node (box) connected with arrows (or lines) that represent
logic dependencies.
Activity Percent Complete —A completion percentage of the work in an activity
based on a chosen method of measuring work progress.
Actual Cost (AC) —See Actual Cost for Work Performed (ACWP) .
Actual Cost at Completion —See At Completion Total Cost .
Actual Cost for Work Performed (ACWP) —Total costs (direct and indirect)
incurred in performing work during a given time period.
Actual Cost This Period —Actual costs incurred from the previous Data Date to
the current Data Date .
Actual Cost to Date —Actual costs incurred from the start of work throughout the
current Data Date .
Actual Duration —The number of time units consumed to complete an activity, if
completed, or consumed on the activity so far, if not completed.
Addenda —Plural of Addendum .
Addendum —A document describing an addition, change, correction, or
modification to the contract documents. An addendum is issued by the design
professional or owner to all bidders during the bidding period but prior to the
awarding of the contract. The addenda become part of the contract documents.
Adjudication A statutory alternative dispute resolution forum for resolving
construction disputes in the United Kingdom. Adjudication provides a speedy
(less than 42 days) and cost-effective method of resolving disputes on an interim
basis, allowing decisions to be enforced pending final determination. The
procedure can be invoked during the course of construction to address payment
disputes, performance problems, time extensions, delays, change order
valuations, and other claims related to the construction contract. In most cases,
the adjudicator's decision is final and binding and may be implemented
Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) —Any procedure or combination of
procedures that are voluntarily used to resolve a dispute without going to court.
These procedures may include, but are not limited to, assisted settlement
negotiations, conciliation, facilitation, mediation, fact-finding, mini-trials, and
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