Civil Engineering Reference
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13. Repeat exercise 1 with an imposed finish date of 16 and then 21 days.
14. Repeat exercise 2 with an imposed finish date of 23 and then 29 days.
15. Repeat exercise 3 with an imposed finish date of 15 and then 20 days.
16. Repeat exercise 4 with an imposed finish date of 18 and then 24 days.
17. Repeat exercise 5 with an imposed finish date of 26 and then 35 days.
18. Repeat exercise 6 with an imposed finish date of 25 and then 32 days.
19. Repeat exercise 7 with an imposed finish date of 35 and then 40 days.
20. Repeat exercise 8 with an imposed finish date of 29 and then 36 days.
21. Repeat exercise 9 with an imposed finish date of 35 and then 44 days.
22. Repeat exercise 11 with an imposed finish date of 22 and then 28 days.
23. Repeat exercise 12 with an imposed finish date of 25 and then 34 days.
24. Repeat exercise 4 with an imposed constraint on activity D: “start on or after
day 10.”
25. Repeat exercise 5 with an imposed constraint on activity F: “finish on day 18.”
26. Repeat exercise 6 with an imposed constraint on activity F: “start on or after
day 15.”
27. Repeat exercise 4, assuming activities F, G, and I are performed by the same crew
and the contractor has only one crew. Will the project completion date be delayed?
If yes, by how many days?
28. If one activity in exercise 7 can be called a hub , which one will you choose? Why?
29. Repeat exercise 8 with an imposed constraint on activity F: “start on or after
day 18.” What activities are impacted, if any?
30. Repeat exercise 9, assuming activities E, F, and L are performed by the same crew
and the contractor has only one crew. Will the project completion date be delayed?
If yes, by how many days?
31. What is the main reason for the overuse of date constraints? How do you minimize
such overuse?
32. Create a WBS for building a house. Use four levels of details and provide activity
codes for each breakdown element.
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