Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.15 shows the new Script wizard for the new script file with the script
name Main entered.
Figure 1.15
Create JavaFX Script Dialog
Give the script a name, Main, and click Finish. This creates an empty script file
called Main.fx. Edit the script file with the Hello World example and save it. To
run it, select the Run icon and the application window should appear. Figure 1.16
points out the Run icon from the tool bar, with the running application displayed.
One main difference between NetBeans IDE for JavaFX 1.2 and the JavaFX plug-
in for Eclipse is there is no Preview mode for JavaFX in Eclipse. However, it is
easy to run the application to see what the screens look like while developing.
This section concludes the basics for getting started with Eclipse. For more
detailed information and configuration options, check the documentation that is
available with the Eclipse plug-in for JavaFX. The documents contain detailed
instructions for installing the JavaFX plug-in and configuring Eclipse for the first
time to recognize JavaFX files. After Eclipse is configured for JavaFX, develop-
ment is similar to the NetBeans IDE for JavaFX 1.2.
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