Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.16
Running a Script
Chapter Summary
This chapter has shown you how to get started writing your first JavaFX applica-
tion. It has detailed how to download and install the NetBeans IDE for JavaFX 1.2,
the Eclipse plug-in for JavaFX and the JavaFX SDK, how to write and compile a
simple JavaFX program, both from the command line and using the NetBeans
IDE for JavaFX 1.2, and how to distribute that program to an end user. It has also
provided a small glimpse of what is possible with the JavaFX Platform.
From here, we will explore the JavaFX Platform in greater detail and describe
the major capabilities that you can leverage in your applications. Throughout the
next few chapters, we will cover concepts required to build a straightforward ani-
mation, a total solar eclipse. This allows us to explore animation, graphics, and
special effects. We will also explore a Sudoku application written in JavaFX Script.
This application demonstrates some of the key features of JavaFX Script includ-
ing data binding and triggers. The next chapter starts us off by looking at JavaFX
from a graphic designer's eyes.
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