Java Reference
In-Depth Information
blueSky.opacity => 1.0
tween Interpolator.LINEAR,
sunBurst.opacity => 0.0
tween Interpolator.EASEOUT
KeyFrame {
time: duration
values: [
moon.translateX => 138
tween Interpolator.LINEAR,
moon.translateY => -50
tween Interpolator.LINEAR
JavaFX Production Suite
Using the output from the JavaFX Production Suite example from Chapter 2, the
animation is very similar. However, instead of creating custom nodes for the Sun ,
Moon , and so on, we use the graphical assets generated from Adobe Illustrator.
First, you need to generate the UI Stub from the Eclipse JavaFX archive file that
we produced in Chapter 2. To do this, copy the JavaFX archive file to a NetBeans
IDE Project. Then, right-click on the JavaFX Archive File and select Generate
UI Stub . Figure 7.12 shows the menu selection to generate the UI Stub files.
If necessary, edit the UI Stub's location and package, and then press OK to gen-
erate the Stub. This is shown in Figure 7.13.
Figure 7.12
Generate UI Stub
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