Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.13
Generate UI Stub Dialog
The key parts of the UI Stub JavaFX file are
public class EclipseUI extends UiStub {
override public var url = "{__DIR__}Eclipse.fxz";
public var BlueSky : Node;
public var DarkSky : Node;
public var Moon : Node;
public var Sun : Node;
public var SunBurst : Node;
public var Totality : Node;
Notice that there are instance variables created for each of the graphical assets to
be used in the animation. To use these assets, merely instantiate an instance of
EclipseUI , and then access each of the assets as required. For example, to ini-
tialize EclipseUI and then set initial state for each of the graphical assets:
var ui = EclipseUI {};
ui.BlueSky.cache = true;
ui.Sun.visible = true;
ui.Sun.cache = true;
ui.DarkSky.visible = true;
ui.DarkSky.cache = true;
ui.Moon.visible = true;
ui.Moon.cache = true;
ui.SunBurst.visible = true;
ui.SunBurst.cache = true;
ui.Totalality.visible = true;
ui.Totalality.cache = true;
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