HTML and CSS Reference
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1. .row,
2. .row-alt {
3. min-width: 960px;
4. }
5. .row {
6. background: #fff;
7. padding: 66px 0 44px 0;
8. }
9. .row-alt {
10. background: #cbe2c1;
11. background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #a1d3b0, #f6f1d3);
12. background: -moz-linear-gradient(to right, #a1d3b0, #f6f1d3);
13. background: linear-gradient(to right, #a1d3b0, #f6f1d3);
14. padding: 44px 0 22px 0;
15. }
2. With our row-alt styles in place, let's put them to use on all of our interior
pages. Currently, all of our interior pages have a <section> element with a class
of container . Then, inside each <section> element is an <h1> element con-
taining the heading of the page.
We're going to alter these <section> elements much like we did the teaser
<section> element on our home page. We'll wrap each <section> element
with a class of container in a <section> element with the class of row-
alt . We'll then change each <section> element with a class of container
to a <div> element for better semantic alignment.
Each of our interior pages should now include the following:
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1. <section class="row-alt">
2. <div class="container">
4. <h1>...</h1>
6. </div>
7. </section>
3. Because we are updating our interior pages, let's make their introductions, or
leads, a little more appealing. We'll begin by adding a paragraph introducing each
page just below the <h1> element in each <section> element with a class of
row-alt . Our speakers.html page, for example, may now include the fol-
lowing lead section:
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